
Each year, the committee publishes an annual report in the Bulletin
of the Texas Ornithological Society detailing the decisions
on all species reviewed during that year. See minutes
for the minutes to our Annual Meetings.
- The 2001 Annual Report did not
add any new species to the official Texas state list.
- The 2000 Annual Report officially
added 2 species to the Texas state list: Buff-breasted Flycatcher
and Blue Mockingbird. This brings the total species count at
the end of 2000 to 620 species in good standing
- The 1999 Annual Report officially
added 5 species to the Texas state list: Stejnegers Petrel,
King Eider, Black-tailed Gull, Yellow-footed Gull, and Piratic
Flycatcher. This brings the total species count at the end of
1999 to 618 species in good standing.
- The 1998 Annual Report officially
added 7 species to the Texas state list: Black-capped Petrel,
Arctic Tern, Eurasian Collared-Dove, Dark-billed Cuckoo, and
Red-Breasted Sapsucker; Berylline Hummingbird and Slate-throated
Redstart were elevated to the Main List from the Presumptive
list (and Black Swift was added to the Presumptive list). This
brings the total species count at the end of 1998 to 613 species
in good standing.
- The 1997 Annual Report officially
added 9 species to the Texas state list, 2 of which resulted
from the split of Solitary Vireo (into Blue-headed, Plumbeous,
and Cassin's Vireos). Records of Red-necked Stint, Kelp Gull,
Roseate Tern, Ruddy Quail-Dove, Stygian Owl, Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush,
and Flame-colored Tanager were accepted as new additions to the
state list while Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow was removed from
the state list, bringing the total species count at the end of
1997 to 606 species in good standing.
- The 1996 Annual Report officially
added 5 species to the Texas state list, 3 of which resulted
from splits of Rufous-sided Towhee (Eastern Towhee and Spotted
Towhee), Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow
and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow), and Northern Oriole (Baltimore
Oriole and Bullock's Oriole). Records of Black-capped Chickadee
and Northern Wheatear were accepted as new additions to the state
list bringing the total species count at the end of 1996 to 598
species in good standing.
- The 1995 Annual Report officially
added 3 species to the Texas state list: Collared Forest-Falcon,
Green Parakeet, and Red-crowned Parrot. Green Parakeet
and Red-crowned Parrot were added since it was agreed that populations
of these two species in the Lower Rio Grande Valley met the strict
criteria for well-established species, whether as a result of
natural occurrence, introduction, or both. During 1995, the committee
also accepted a photographic record of "Common"
Teal, the Palearctic race of Green-winged Teal.
- The 1994 Annual Report did not add
any new species to the official Texas state list. However, the
committee did accept a sight record of Crescent-chested Warbler.
This previously unrecorded species constituted a new addition
to the Presumptive Species List.
- The 1993 Annual Report officially
added 6 species to the Texas state list: Red-necked Grebe,
Collared Plover, Wandering Tattler, Slaty-backed
Gull, Green-breasted Mango, and Olive Warbler.

In addition to producing annual reports, the committee is responsible
for holding annual meetings. Minutes of these meetings are available
online for the following years: