- October 22, 2002: the minutes
of the TBRC 2002 annual meeting are now in the Reports section.
- July 22, 2002: the Spotted
Redshank from Fall 2000 as been formally accepted,
bringing the State List to 621 species in good standing. Visit
the Photo Gallery to see this record.
- June 17, 2002: photos of the current Yellow-faced Grassquit at Bensten
have been added to the Photo Gallery.
- March 04, 2002: the TBRC
2001 Annual Report in now in the Reports section.
- November 22, 2001: a photo of a Spotted Redshank from Fall 2000 has
been added to the Photo Gallery - a
potential State First record (the species is in the site index,
but will be added to the various formal Lists only if/when accepted
by the TBRC.)
- October 12, 2001: the minutes
of the TBRC 2001 annual meeting are now in the Reports section.
March 5, 2001: Photos of Am. Black Duck added; the Specimens Not Located List has been updated;
only one such specimen has been located in the past 3 years,
and some of the unlocated specimens are of species not yet on
the Texas State List - can you help?
- March 3, 2001: Photos added of the recent
Lubbock N. Saw-whet Owl .
- February 27, 2001: Photos added of the recent
South Padre Yellow-billed Loon (scroll
to bottom of that page).
- February 07, 2001: The Secretary of the
TBRC has prepared a Public Statement
concerning the Blue Mockingbird
- February 03, 2001: the 2000 Annual Report
is now availible online- see the Reports
- December 3, 2000: the minutes
of the TBRC 2000 annual meeting are now in the Reports section.
Photos of a recent Pine Grosbeak
have been added to the Photos Section.
- November 20, 2000: the TBRC held its annual
meeting in College Station on November 18, 2000. Full minutes
of the meeting will appear online soon, but effective immediately
Blue Mockingbird is added
to the State List, bringing it to 620 species in good standing.
(click here to see the latest stunning
photos of this bird). Also, Tamaulipas
Crow is added to the Review List, and details are
sought of all White-rumped Sandpiper sightings outside the Spring
period ( April - June) under the terms of List B. There is a
new TBRC Secretary, to whom all
correspondence should be directed.
- October 10, 2000: Voting Rounds 186 - 188
have been completed and tallied, and as a result Buff-breasted
Flycatcher is added to the State List, bringing it
to 619 species in good standing. Visit this
external link to see pictures of this bird.
- June 09, 2000: Just an update to confirm
that no new species have been officially added to the State list
since last September; the Buff-breasted
Flycatcher and Blue Mockingbird
records are still in circulation.
- March 02, 2000: the 1999 Annual Report is
now availible online- see the Reports Section.
- February 02, 2000: photos of a recent Blue-morph Ross's Goose at L. Tawakoni
have been added to the Photo Gallery.
- January 08, 2000: photos of the recent Snow Bunting have been added to the
Photo Gallery.
- December 22, 1999: photos of Eskimo
Curlew (birds in the field and preserved specimens)
have been added to the Photo Gallery.
- November 21, 1999: the TBRC held its annual
meeting in College Station on November 20, 1999. Full
minutes of the meeting are online, but effective immediately
three species of gull have been removed from the Review List:
California Gull, Black-legged Kittiwake, and Sabine's
Gull. All records prior to the date of the annual meeting
will still be circulated and voted-upon by the committee. Note:
photos of an orange-tipped Cedar Waxwing are in the Rogues' Gallery.
- September 22, 1999: Voting Rounds 184 and
185 have been completed and tallied, and as a result Black-tailed Gull and Stejneger's
Petrel are added to the State List, bringing it to
618 species in good standing. Visit the photos
section to see pictures of the gull.
- July 26, 1999: TBRC Voting Rounds 180 -
183 have been completed and tallied, and as a result Yellow-footed Gull is added
to the State List, bringing it to 616
species in good standing. Visit the photos
section to see pictures of the gull. A photo-story of a breeding hybrid Lazuli Bunting can be
found in the Rogues Gallery in the Photos
- June 04, 1999: images of the recent Blue Mockingbird and Violet-crowned
Hummingbird from Weslaco have been added to the Photo
- April 21, 1999: the State List and Review
List have both been updated to reflect the latest TBRC decisions.
In the Rogues' Gallery a possible hybrid coronata x auduboni
Yellow-rumped Warbler has been added.
- April 14, 1999: A striking unidentified
feeder-bird is now Mystery bird #4. In the Rogues' Gallery an
additional image for the hybrid egret and a postscript for the
goldeneye have been added. The Rogues' Gallery
has been online for six months and thus far no-one has offered
any new subjects, and it has not generated any replies to the
Webmaster; unless there is some interest expressed in this section
it will be removed.
- April 13, 1999: TBRC Voting Rounds 178 and
179 have been completed and tallied, and as a result King Eider and Piratic Flycatcher are added
to the State List, bringing it to 615
species in good standing. Visit the photos
page to see pictures of the flycatcher.
- April 6, 1999: The 1998 TBRC Annual Report
is now available online - see Reports section.
- April 4, 1999: A most interesting hybrid "egret" has been added
to the Rogues' Gallery.; also, video
stills of two Blue-morph Ross's Geese
are now in the Photos Section.
- February 10, 1999: As of this date there
have been no further completed rounds that add/remove species
to the State List. No new photos of rarities have been received
by the webmaster, not have there been any offers of pictures
for the Rogues' Gallery - thus there is no change to this web
site since December 01.
- December 01: TBRC Voting Rounds 169 and
170 have been completed and tallied, and as a result Berylline Hummingbird and Slate-throated Redstart are
added to the State List, bringing it to 613
species in good standing. Visit the photos
page for pictures of these birds.
- November 13: a new bird is added to the
Rogues' Gallery located in the Photos
- October 27: A new feature - the Rogues'
Gallery - is located in the Photos section.
The Minutes from the 1998 annual meeting
held in College Station on 3rd October are now online; check
them out.
- October 25: TBRC Voting Round 172 has been
completed and tallied, and as a result Black-capped
Petrel is added to the State List, bringing it
to 611 species in good standing.
Visit the photos page for pictures of
this and a subsequent record. Also answers are now provided for
Mystery birds #1 and #3.
- October 09: The TBRC held its annual meeting
on October 03, 1998. Full details will be forthcoming, but the
major effects are as follows: 1) Tropical Kingbird
is no longer a Review Species (there having been a documented
permanent population in Brownsville for at least 10 years); 2)
Clay-Colored Robin is no longer a Review Species
(despite a drop in records in the late Eighties, this species
has been more-or-less resident in the LRGV for the last ten years);
3) Eurasian Collared-Dove is accepted onto the
State List as an Introduced species - it is not a Review species
as there are already records from 30+ counties, with breeding
recorded from 7 counties; 4) Black Swift has
been added to the Presumptive List with the acceptance of a 1985
sight record - for details of the Presumptive List see the Review Species List. 5) John Arvin resigned
from the Committee and is replaced by Petra Hockey, with Mark
Lockwood becoming Chairman - see the updated Committee
members page. This brings the State List to
610 species in good standing.
- October 09: The Review
Species List has been updated to show the number of accepted
records (as of October 1, 1998) for each species.
- October 02: TBRC Voting Round 168 has been
completed and tallied, and as a result Arctic
Tern is added to the State List, bringing it
to 609 species in good standing.
- June 29: TBRC Voting Rounds 162,164 have
been completed and tallied, and as a result Dark-billed
Cuckoo is added to the State List, bringing it
to608 species in good standing.
NOTE: the email address of the TBRC Secretary has changed; refer
to the list of Committee members.
- June 26: TBRC Voting Round 160 has been
completed and tallied, and as a result Red-breasted
Sapsucker is added to the State List, bringing it to 607 species in good standing. Mystery
Bird #2 is removed from the Photos page (there being no evidence
that these two Steller's Eiders were collected in Texas) - and
is replaced by Mystery Bird #3.
- June 23: Photo links from the State List
have been updated, and photos of the 1994 Black-capped Petrel
added. Coming soon will be an extensive entry on Eskimo Curlew, with color photos of museum
skins plus pictures of live birds in the field from 1962.
- June 14: The 1997 TBRC Annual Report is
now available online - see Reports section. In the Photos section,
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel is added, plus recent Great Black-backed
Gull and Arctic Tern records added.
- May 31: Added/amended some links; corrected
the date of the 1994 Stygian Owl; improved the Arctic Tern photo.
- May 29: Added photos of two Little Gulls,
plus the pictures of Brown Booby, Collared Forest-Falcon, and
Northern Wheatear have been slightly improved/enlarged.
- May 28: Many new photos have been added
to the Photos page; these include the work of Peter
Mueller, Michael Gray, Tim Koebel, Kent Nelson, Chris Corben,
Alfred Viola, Ned Brinkley, Mel Cooksey, Kelly Bryan, Kevin Karlson,
Mike Krzywonski,Peter Reisz, Jim Flynn, Brad McKinney, David
Ferry, Robert De Graaf, and Raymond White:- Please
contact the webmaster if
you prefer that your work is removed - thank you.
- May 27: Added photos of Black-capped Petrel,
Northern Jacana, the Gilchrist/Bolivar Noddy, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl,
Golden-crowned Warbler, and White-collared Seedeater.
- May 21: Mystery Bird
#2 has been identified, and will be removed from the web
site in due course. Added new photo (just obtained by the Webmaster)
of a Baird's Sparrow
from Parker County last week - see the Photos page.
- May 14: Added new photos (just obtained
by the TBRC) of the first Piratic
Flycatcher for Texas - see the Photos page.

- March and April: Photographs of many rare/specialty
species were added to the Photos page; The link to VENT was corrected.
- On March 5, 1998 the Texas Photographic Records File (TPRF)
in College Station was visited, and numerous photos were borrowed
by the webmaster - you can expect to see a number of new photo
entries in the coming weeks. The emphasis will be placed upon
those rarities mostly or wholly associated with Texas, but other
pictures thought to be interesting/useful will also be added
as time and space permits. NOTICE:
every reasonable endeavor has been made to obtain specific approval
from the photographers involved; if you see a photo
of yours that you do not want displayed, email the webmaster
and it will be removed immediately, with our apologies.
- FYI as of today (March 6 1998) there are a number of photographic
records in circulation of species that would, if accepted, be
added to the State List, including:
Black-capped Petrel, Stejneger's Petrel, Arctic Tern, Berylline
Hummingbird, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Dark-billed Cuckoo, and
Slate-throated Redstart.
- There is a new page online that may provoke some debate -
Species not yet documented for Texas.
This unofficial list highlights some perhaps expected species
not on the state list.
- Management of this web site has changed hands. All kudos
for the excellent style and scope belongs to the outgoing webmaster
Carl Haynie; all responsibility for content,
errors, and omissions belongs to the incoming webmaster Martin
- The online state list has been
corrected (Latin names of White-throated Swift and Crissal Thrasher)
and updated with Order names and Family names (the latter for
Passerines only).
- The Links section has been updated to reflect site movements
as of December 31, 1997. As of this date all links are working.
- The Review List has been corrected
to include Stygian Owl.
- The final version of the 1996 Annual
Report is online. Differences from the draft version include
the addition of two Rose-throated Becard specimen records, the
assignment of several Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) numbers,
and the correction of several dates and specimen tag numbers.
- Stygian Owl was formerly accepted
on 25 November bringing the total accepted
species in Texas to 606 in good
- Minutes from the 1997 annual meeting
held in College Station on 1 November are now online. Check them
- Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow was removed from the state
list after it was determined the specimen housed in the Denver
Museum was misidentified. This leaves the State List at 605 species
- At the annual meeting on 1 Nov 97, the committee voted to
remove Audubon's Shearwater, Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Lesser
Black-backed Gull, Glaucous Gull, and Bridled Tern from the main
TBRC Review List.
- Roseate Tern was officially added to the state list based
on a recently located museum specimen that was taken 10 April
1901 in Nueces Co. State List now 606
Species in good standing.
- A good photo (the first!) of the Berylline
Hummingbird found in the Davis Mountains in August is now
online thanks to Greg Lasley. Check it out.
- Eurasian Collared-Dove is vying for a place on our state
list. Check out some recent correspondence
on this subject.
- Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow appears to be headed off our
state list, as the extant specimen housed at the Denver museum
is evidently a misidentified Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (fide
Keith Arnold, Mark Lockwood).
- Photographs of a Slate-throated Redstart taken at about 7800
feet on private land in the Davis Mountains are now online. Check
them out here.
- Our Texas State List has been
updated to abide by the latest taxonomic and nomenclatural changes
outlined in the 41st supplement (July, 1997) to the American
Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds.
Texas gained two species as a result of splits: Solitary Vireo
was split into Blue-headed, Cassin's, and Plumbeous Vireo, all
three of which are known to occur in Texas. Thus the State List
now stands at 605 species.
- A draft of our 1996 Annual Report
is now online detailing the decisions made on all records reviewed
in 1996.
- On 30 June 1997 Red-necked Stint, Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush,
and Flame-colored Tanager were formally accepted and added to
our state list bringing our total
to 603 fully accepted species.
- With the formal acceptance of Kelp Gull and Ruddy Quail-Dove
on 18 May 1997, our official state list stood then at 600
accepted species.
- A Stygian Owl was photographed
at Bentsen State Park on Thursday, December 26. This will represent
a first record for North America (north of Mexico).
- The minutes from the 1996 annual
meeting held October 19th in College Station are now available.
- At our 19 October annual meeting in College Station, the
committee voted to remove Pacific Loon from the state
Review List since the species has
met the standard criteria for removal (occurs five or more times
per year over a ten year average) and no value for leaving it
on the list was argued. In addition, the committee voted to add
Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow to the Review List in light
of information that suggests it is, at best, accidental in the
state. Efforts are underway to secure an extant specimen identified
as Ammodramus caudacutus so that its occurrence here may
be confirmed. If it is determined it was misidentified, the species
will be removed from both the State
and Review Lists since no other evidence of its occurrence exists
for Texas.
- Corrections were made to the online
version of our State List with regard to the scientific name
change for Great Egret and the common name change of Gray-breasted
Jay to Mexican Jay.
- Your help is requested on the status of Eurasian
Collared-Dove in Texas.
- The 1993 Annual Report and a draft
of the 1995 Annual Report are now available.
These reports summarize the decisions reached by the TBRC in
those years.
- The TBRC accepted and completed review on a recently located
specimen record of a Black- capped Chickadee taken in El Paso
during the late 1800s. It is the first and only accepted record
for Texas (thus 598 species on the
- The latest supplement to the AOU (American Ornithologist's
Union) checklist is out. Three species have been split that affect
our Texas List. They are: Eastern Towhee, Spotted Towhee; Saltmarsh
Sharp-tailed Sparrow, Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow; and Baltimore
Oriole, Bullock's Oriole. All but the Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed
Sparrow can be found regularly in Texas. In addition, American
Swallow-tailed Kite becomes Swallow-tailed Kite; Common Black-headed
Gull becomes Black-headed Gull; and our two forms of Scrub Jay
become Western Scrub-Jay. As a consequence the State List is
now 597 species in good standing.
- The TBRC recently accepted and completed review on the Northern Wheatear record, another first
for the state, bringing the List to 594