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Texas State List

This list constitutes the official list of bird species accepted for Texas by the TBRC. It includes Presumptive Species for which written descriptions of sight records have been accepted but the species has not yet met the requirements for full acceptance on the Texas List.

Texas Review List

This list constitutes all species for which documentation is requested. These species, in general, include birds that have occurred four or fewer times per year anywhere in Texas over a ten-year average. The TBRC also requests details on any record of a species not yet accepted on the Texas State List.

Species not yet documented for Texas

The primary purpose of this unofficial list is to educate birders unfamiliar with our avifauna about some common species that do not normally occur in Texas. The TBRC requests details on any record of a species on this list.

Specimens Not Located (SNL) List

This list comprises Review Species for which specimens, as cited in the available literature, have yet to be located. Thanks to the advent of the web and the increasing number of scientific collections being computerized, we've recently found references to many review species, the majority of which we had no prior knowledge of. However, we still need help locating the specimens that are left on this list.

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